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When will KYK scholarship be deposited? Will there be an increase in 2025 KYK scholarships?

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The timing of the disbursement of Credit and Dormitories Institution (KYK) scholarships is being researched by students applying for scholarships for the first time in 2025. Following the conclusion of KYK scholarship applications, attention will be turned to the date of scholarship payments. Students are also curious whether the KYK scholarships, which were 2,000 liras for undergraduate students last year, will be increased this year. So, when will the KYK scholarship be deposited? Will there be an increase in 2025 KYK scholarships? Research on the date of 2025 KYK scholarship payments continues. Students who will be eligible for scholarships in the 2024-2025 academic year will be determined when the KYK scholarship results are announced. After the announcement of the KYK scholarship results, all eyes will be on the date when KYK scholarships will be deposited. Here are the details. WHEN WILL THE KYK SCHOLARSHIP BE DEPOSITED? Payment is made to the students who will receive scholarship/loan for the first time as of the beginning of the academic year for their normal duration of education. Payment is made between the 6th and 10th of each month according to the last number of their T.C. identification number. Students can also find out the Ziraat Bank branches where their loans and scholarships will be deposited through the internet with the passwords given to them. Additionally, our students will obtain their ATM cards from the bank. It is expected that KYK scholarship payments will start as of December, just like last year. HOW MUCH IS THE KYK SCHOLARSHIP, WILL THERE BE AN INCREASE? In 2024, the amounts of loans and scholarships were applied as 2,000 liras for undergraduate students, 4,000 liras for master’s students, and 6,000 liras for doctoral students. As of 2025, no announcement has been made regarding whether there will be an increase in KYK scholarship payments.

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