A Presidential decree regarding the determination of the periods for the additional compensation to be given to employees working in institutions falling within the scope of Law No. 6772 in 2024 was published in the Official Gazette in the past months. The compensation 2nd installment payments will be made in December. So, when will the compensatory 2nd installment payments be made? The first half of the additional compensation to be given to employees working in institutions falling within the scope of Law No. 6772 in 2024 was paid on June 14th as per the Presidential Decree published in the Official Gazette. Public employees are curious about the 2nd installment date for additional payments. SECOND INSTALLMENT IN DECEMBER The second half of the payment will be made on December 13th, and employees will receive their compensation payments in two installments. WHAT DOES COMPENSATION PAYMENT MEAN? General and special budget institutions, companies and institutions whose capital is more than half owned by the state, and municipalities pay an incentive allowance in the amount of one monthly salary each year to employees working under the employee status, regardless of their payment systems.
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