Occasionally, bizarre images captured by Google Maps gain attention. Recently, the mysterious door spotted in Antarctica sparked great interest online. Scientists have shed light on what this mysterious door actually is. Google Maps, providing a three-dimensional view of every corner of the world, sometimes showcases strange images. Whether alien-like symbols in the middle of a desert or intriguing human photographs on the street, these peculiar places that leave one in awe can easily be seen through Google Maps and Google Earth. Now, a Reddit user has brought up an unusual structure found southeast of the Japanese Showa Station in Antarctica, which quickly drew significant social media attention. The post shared on Reddit with the coordinates of the structure raised speculations like “Is it a colossal door in Antarctica?” After this widely discussed post, many users started debating what this structure could possibly be. Some suggested it might be a door from a crashed Boeing aircraft, while others jokingly speculated that it could be Bigfoot’s (mythical creature) vacation home. Nevertheless, scientists clarified after all these speculations that the structure is a natural formation. Professor Bethan Davies, an Ice Scientist from Newcastle University, indicated that the structure is related to a melting iceberg and was formed by the influence of shallow water in the region. Professor John Smellie, a volcanologist from the University of Leicester, sarcastically commented, “What would we do without conspiracy theorists?” He noted that the image is not very clear, making it difficult to understand, and likened it to looking like a rock. Asserting that the structure stemmed from a natural event, he mentioned that such speculation generally arises from imagination. He regarded the mysterious image as a natural situation related to Antarctica’s glaciers and emphasized that there is nothing exciting about it to get worked up over.
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