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Retirement holiday bonus 2025 latest news: How much will the holiday bonuses for SS, Bağ-Kur, Retirement Fund retirees be?

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The increase in retirement holiday bonus was on the agenda of millions of retirees just a short time before Ramadan. The discussions on the bonus increase that SSK, Bağ-Kur, and Retirement Pension Fund retirees will benefit from will be held in the Parliament on Monday. The bonus payments had last increased by 50% to reach the level of 3,000 liras. The figures for the retirement holiday bonus increase were revealed before Ramadan. A meeting was held with the participation of Cevdet Yılmaz, Mehmet Şimşek, Mustafa Elitaş, and Vedat Işıkhan as part of the retirement bonus works. So, how much will the retirement holiday bonuses be increased by in 2025? Here are the latest developments on the increase in retirement holiday bonuses…The retirement holiday bonuses are deposited into the accounts of retirees every year before the Ramadan and Feast of Sacrifice. In addition to retirees from SSK, Bağ-Kur, and the Retirement Pension Fund, widows, orphans receiving a pension, champion athletes, families of martyrs, veterans, and many other beneficiaries benefit from these bonuses. It was learned that upon the instructions of President Erdoğan, AK Party officials conducted a new study on increasing the bonus. The Ministry of Treasury and Finance presented its report at the meeting about how much the bonus should be. The retirement bonuses will reach approximately 16 million retirees through accounts where salaries are received. So, how much will the retirement holiday bonus be? Here are the details of the meeting held regarding the retirement holiday bonus…The details of the retirement holiday bonus work have been revealed. Before the Feast of Ramadan starting on March 29, AK Party officials worked on the orders of President Erdoğan. Hazine ve Maliye Bakanı Mehmet Şimşek, AK Party Genel Başkanı Vekil Mustafa Elitaş, AK Party Grup Başkanı Abdullah Güler, and Çalışma ve Sosyal Güvenlik Bakanı Vedat Işıkhan attended the meeting chaired by Cumhurbaşkanı Yardımcısı Cevdet Yılmaz. As the question of how much the bonus should be was discussed at the meeting, Treasury and Finance Ministry bureaucrats were asked to present an impact analysis. As a result of the studies conducted, AK Party officials expressed that the figure could be 4,000 liras. If the 3,000 lira bonus increases by a thousand lira, the rate of increase will be 33%. With a payment of 4,000 liras to 16,618 million retirees, 34.5 billion TL will have been paid out. Together with the previous payment of 99 billion TL, beneficiaries will receive a total of 133.5 billion liras. The increase to 4,000 liras is not yet finalized. The figure is expected to be determined at the new meeting to be held over the weekend. The proposal is expected to be finalized and added to the omnibus bill during the meeting on the weekend for the increase in retirement holiday bonus. The total budget allocated for retirement bonus payments is noticed to be 99 billion TL under normal circumstances. After the finalization of the retirement holiday bonus increase rate, it will be submitted to the approval of the Parliament. If it passes the Presidency, it will become law with the signature of President Erdoğan and will come into effect by being published in the official gazette.The retirement holiday bonus payments are usually deposited into accounts approximately one week before the holiday. Retirees from SSK, Bağ-Kur, and the Retirement Pension Fund receive their payments on different days according to their allocation numbers. The Social Security Institution (SGK) also provides information on the payment dates of other beneficiaries. Retirees do not need to apply in order to benefit from the bonuses. Those who retired before February will be eligible for the bonus. Those who retire just before the holiday, in addition to retirees from SSK, Bağ-Kur, and the Retirement Pension Fund, will also be eligible for the bonus. Elderly pension recipients can receive the bonus, while widows and orphans receiving pensions will benefit from the payments according to their share ratios. For example, those who receive 70% of the retirement bonus from the widow’s pension will get the bonus at this rate, and those who receive 30% as the survivor’s pension will benefit from the bonus according to this share ratio. Those who receive duty disability pensions, disability pensions, survivor’s pensions, constant incapacity benefits, families of martyrs, veterans, combat veterans, security guards, champion athletes, and civilians affected by terrorism will receive bonus payments.

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