The Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency (BRSA) has imposed limitations on the credits that development and investment banks can provide to an individual or a group. BRSA has determined the limit ratios for the credits granted by development and investment banks, excluding Istanbul Takas and Settlement Bank Inc. and Provincial Bank Inc. In a statement regarding the issue, BRSA provided the following information: Based on the first paragraph of Article 43, and Articles 77 and 93 of Law No. 5411 on Banking, as well as Regulation on Determination of Risk Groups and Credit Limits published in the Official Gazette dated 12/21/2023 and numbered 32406 (Regulation), the following measures have been taken: 1) Excluding Istanbul Takas and Settlement Bank Inc. and Provincial Bank Inc., the risk amount of the credits that development and investment banks can grant to an individual or group should not exceed the ratio of their core capital amount to the leverage ratio level specified in the table below, in both consolidated and non-consolidated basis; for development and investment banks established on or after 01/01/2020 with a leverage ratio calculated on a non-consolidated basis equal to or greater than ten percent by month-ends, the first paragraph credit limit ratios shall be applied with a five-point reduction for a period of five years starting from the date of their operating license, 3) The provisions of the Regulation regarding the determination of risk groups, calculation of risk amount, transactions not subject to credit limits, reporting of credit limits, non-compliance with limits, and rectification of excesses, 4) In cases where excesses occur due to reasons beyond the bank’s control, excluding the fourth paragraph of Article 16 of the Regulation, the excess amounts shall be rectified within a period determined by the Agency, and no administrative fines shall be imposed on the bank during this period for the excesses, 5) Except for the loans granted by banks to risk groups they belong to, project or investment loans with a term exceeding three years and equity shares acquired for financing purposes shall not be subject to credit limits under this Decision, 6) In case of excesses in the limits stated in the first article as of the date of this Decision, these excess amounts shall be rectified by 10% by 12/31/2025, by 30% by 12/31/2026, by 60% by 12/31/2027, and by 100% by 12/31/2028; excesses in the limits stated in the second article shall be rectified within one year, 7) Authorization is granted to the Presidency to extend the mentioned periods and amend exemptions, 8) It is decided to announce this Decision to the Establishment Banks and publish it on the Institution’s website.
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