
Regulation on Eel Export

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The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry has revised the principles for the allocation of the eel export quota. The Amendment Regulation on the Allocation of Eel (Anguilla Anguilla) Export Quota and the Issuance of CITES Permit, prepared by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, was published in the Official Gazette and entered into force. With this regulation, arrangements were made in the principles for the allocation of the eel export quota. Accordingly, eel fishing, stock assessment of products obtained before the fishing ban, and the issuance of export permits, transport and origin certificates will be conducted in accordance with the principles in the Regulation on the Regulation of Commercial Fishing of Aquatic Products published in the Official Gazette dated 11 August 2024. In the sales notification process, companies wishing to export eels will use the username and password from the internet-based Fisheries Information System (SUBİS). Companies without registration in SUBİS will be registered by the provincial directorates, and a username and password will be provided. Each company operating in this field will issue a separate sales notification for eels in each transport and origin certificate. PRINCIPLES FOR ISSUING A FISHING CERTIFICATE Companies intending to export eels will apply to the authorized provincial directorate for the issuance of a fishing certificate after completing the sales notification entry. Based on the requested export quantity, a fishing certificate will be issued through SUBİS by the authorized provincial directorate. PROCEDURES FOR CITES PERMIT Eel exports will be carried out according to the customs tariff statistical positions specified in the Regulation on the Foreign Trade of Endangered Wild Animal and Plant Species published in the Official Gazette dated 27 February 2011. Those intending to export eels will submit their CITES permit request to the Ministry through the website For those wishing to export live eels, the period between the approval date of the transport and origin documents submitted during the application to the Directorate General of Fisheries and Aquaculture and the application date will be a maximum of 15 days.

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