In Antalya, a radar ticket of 6,439 Turkish Liras issued to a driver who was speeding to take a co-worker with a severed finger to the hospital has been canceled by a court ruling.
Süleyman K, who worked at a yacht company in Antalya Free Zone in Konyaaltı district, injured his finger while working with a machine during his shift. The company vehicle used by a co-worker trying to rush Süleyman K to the hospital was caught by a radar on the road. The Traffic Control Branch Directorate team issued a traffic ticket of 6,439 liras to the company vehicle for exceeding the speed limit by more than 50 percent. Upon receiving the fine notification, the company lawyer applied to Antalya 3rd Peace Criminal Court for the removal of the administrative sanction. The application petition emphasized that the speed was not deliberately exceeded, the employee was injured due to a work accident, and the violation of the speed limit was necessary in an attempt to reach the hospital urgently. Hospital documents confirming the injury to the worker were also attached to the objection petition. The court, evaluating the objection, ruled to lift the administrative sanction on the grounds that the worker was trying to rush the injured Süleyman K to the hospital, did not endanger traffic safety, and was within the scope of priority passage. Company lawyer Mustafa Alper Oral stated that the worker injured his finger while using a saw and was taken to the hospital by a co-worker in the company vehicle due to the urgency.
A 6,439 Turkish Lira traffic fine has been canceled,” said Oral, indicating that a radar ticket was issued while the injured person was taken to the Akdeniz University Faculty of Medicine Hospital. “We examined the fine report and learned that this radar fine was issued at the time when the worker was being taken to the hospital. Using documents proving the urgency of the situation, we applied to the court.” The court ruled that the driver was too concerned to consider the weight of the worker and prioritized the right to life, as well as the right of passage. Because of this, the radar fine was not applied.
The 6,439 Turkish Lira traffic fine has been canceled. This is a definitive decision and sets a precedent. The decision shows that in any part of Turkey where a similar situation arises, radar fines will not be applied, and necessary objections must be made.” Oral stated that thanks to the worker being taken to the hospital on time, his finger was reattached, and treatment is ongoing.
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