The Minister of Energy and Natural Resources, Bayraktar, announced that production in the Sakarya Gas Field will increase five-fold by 2028. Minister Alparslan Bayraktar made statements regarding the energy agenda. According to a statement from the Ministry, Bayraktar, who attended an iftar program organized by the National Turkish Students’ Association yesterday, said, “Independence in energy is a national security issue for us.” Minister Bayraktar stated that the Sakarya Gas Field meets the gas needs of 3 million households by saying, “Hopefully, we will reach a milestone in April. We will increase today’s production by 25%. By producing 5 times more gas than today in 2028, we will supply the gas used in Turkish households from our own gas.” “The Goal in Gabar is to Exceed 100,000 Barrels” Bayraktar mentioned that 92% of the oil is imported and stated, “There is a vigorous work going on in Gabar, which is associated with terrorism. Despite the mountains that can hardly be entered due to terrorism, there are over 90 wells in operation. We have started to produce 80,000 barrels of oil per day. Here, we produce Turkey’s highest quality oil. With the permission of Allah, we will exceed 100,000 barrels.” Bayraktar reported that Turkey has become a country searching for natural gas and minerals in Somalia, Libya, Iraq, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, and Africa, and aimed to produce approximately 3.5 tons of gold from the first gold mine in Niger by 2026.
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