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Prices range between 250 and 600 liras: Displayed on the market stall

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With the approaching of Ramadan Bayram, colorful sweets and chocolates have taken their places on the market stalls. In the historical bazaar of Bursa, as the days leading up to Ramadan Bayram pass, holiday candies and chocolates are displayed on the stalls for customers to enjoy. Sweets and chocolates, ranging in price from 250 liras to 600 liras per kilogram, are waiting for buyers for a short period of time. Captivating children with their colorful appearance, these sweets and chocolates are attracting a lot of attention from citizens before the holiday. Shopkeeper Orhan Çağlayan expressed that they expect a busy day of sales on the day before the holiday, saying, “With the arrival of Ramadan Bayram, the sweets and chocolates that are indispensable to holidays have taken their place on the stalls. The interest and attention of the citizens have also started to increase significantly. There are only a few days left until Ramadan Bayram, but we expect an even busier period a couple of days before, assuming that the interest in sweets and chocolates will increase. Since preparations for various expenses have been made in advance, there is a bit more calmness at the moment, but we expect sales to increase even more in the last few days. Speaking of prices, although the prices for last year’s Ramadan and Sacrifice Bayrams generally remained the same, the prices increased slightly due to the rise in costs, especially for chocolate products. This, of course, reflected on the price tags. For example, in terms of chocolates, there are branded and quality chocolates starting from 250 TL and going up to 300, 350, and 600 TL depending on the quality. The prices of candies range from 200 to 300 TL. The most important points that citizens should pay attention to when buying sweets and chocolates are that in some places, old products that have expired, or products that are manufactured in a non-standard way, may be sold under the guise of promotions. They should also be cautious about buying sweets and chocolates made in unauthorized, underground facilities. It would be healthier and more appropriate for them to shop from reputable and reliable places.”

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