Following the agricultural frost that affected Hatay, the prices of red bell peppers have increased and are now being sold for 80 TL. The recent agricultural frost in Hatay had damaged the crops of farmers in the region. The red bell peppers cultivated in greenhouses in the Toygarlı Mahallesi of Defne district had suffered a 50% loss in their yield. Prior to the frost, the price of red bell peppers was 50 TL, but now they are being sold for 80 TL, negatively affecting consumers. The Muhtar of Toygarlı Mahalle, Mehmet Çağtay, stated that the farmers in the region incurred losses due to the agricultural frost, which led to an increase in the price of red bell peppers. He mentioned, “Our neighborhood relies on agriculture and animal husbandry for livelihood. We suffered significant losses due to the recent agricultural frost. Now, the harvest is being done in the greenhouses unaffected by the frost. Half of the crops were affected, while the other half remained intact. The unaffected crop’s harvest led to a rise in prices. Currently, the price of red bell peppers is 80 TL, while reportedly in Istanbul and Ankara, it is sold in markets for 150 TL. There is a noticeable increase in prices due to the frost incident. Prices are likely to further rise. The peppers were significantly affected as they were not resistant to frost.” Farmer Taha Çağatay noted that before the agricultural frost, the price of red bell peppers in greenhouses was 50 TL, but post-frost, it has increased to 80 TL. He stated, “We had a 50% loss in our crops due to the recent frost. We are now collecting the remaining red bell peppers. The prices have slightly increased due to the frost. There is also a price hike in Mersin and Adana. Currently, red bell peppers are around 80 TL, while they were approximately 50 TL before the frost. There is a 50% price difference.”
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