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NASA’s Parker Probe Approaches the Sun at Record Proximity

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NASA’s Parker probe approached the Sun for the second time at a distance of 6.1 million km, collecting data at a speed of 692,000 km/s. During its 23rd close pass to the Sun on March 22, NASA’s Parker probe completed its closest second pass to the Sun ever recorded. During the pass, Parker approached the Sun at 6.1 million km, reaching a speed of 692,000 kilometers per hour (430,000 miles per hour). This speed matches the record it achieved during its pass in December 2024.

With all scientific instruments active, the probe collected important data from the Sun’s outer atmosphere known as the corona. This pass by the Parker probe allows for previously unattainable measurements of solar wind and activity in the corona.

FIRST MAN-MADE VEHICLE TO ENTER THE CORONA Launched by NASA in 2018, the Parker Solar Probe holds the distinction of being the closest human-made vehicle to approach the Sun and enter the corona. The probe is protected by a special heat shield against extreme heat and radiation. These missions will contribute to a better understanding of space weather that affects satellites, astronauts, and power grids on Earth.

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