The payment dates for fuel and fertilizer support in March are eagerly awaited, as farmers are eager to know when the support payments will be transferred to their accounts. The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry regularly makes fuel and fertilizer support payments every month. The Ministry covers 50% of the fuel cost and 25% of the fertilizer cost. Payments can be inquired about through the e-Government system. So, have fuel and fertilizer support payments been made yet, and when will they be made? Here are the latest developments on the payments…Farmers are curious about the date in March when the fuel and fertilizer support payments made by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry to help cover the costs will be deposited into their accounts. Agricultural producers will be able to inquire about the payments through the Farmer Registration System once the payments are deposited. So, have the fuel and fertilizer support payments for March been made, and when will they be made?The fuel and fertilizer support payments were transferred to the accounts of producers by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry on February 21.As a result; The fuel and fertilizer support payments for March are expected to be deposited by March 21.Farmers can inquire about the status of fuel and fertilizer support payments through the e-Government system using their T.C. ID numbers and passwords. Simply logging into the “Farmer Registration System” screen will be sufficient for producers.
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