Farmers are still waiting for the diesel and fertilizer support payments. The Ministry covers 50% of the diesel cost and 25% of the fertilizer cost for those involved in farming every month. Now, all eyes are on the upcoming diesel and fertilizer support payments by the Ministry. So, when will the 2025 diesel and fertilizer support be paid? Expectations are high regarding when the March diesel and fertilizer support payments will be made. Last year, the diesel and fertilizer support payments made in February were expected to be completed by April at the latest. So, when will the 2025 March diesel and fertilizer support be paid? WHEN WILL THE DIESEL AND FERTILIZER SUPPORT PAYMENTS BE MADE? Diesel and fertilizer support payments were transferred to producers’ accounts by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry on February 21st. Accordingly, the March diesel and fertilizer support payments are expected to be deposited by March 21st. HOW TO INQUIRE ABOUT THE DIESEL AND FERTILIZER SUPPORT PAYMENTS? Farmers can check the status of their diesel and fertilizer support payments through e-Government using their ID numbers and passwords. Simply logging into the “Farmers Registration System” screen will be sufficient.
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