The net figures for the 2025 civil servant and retiree salary increase will be determined based on inflation gap data. Civil servants and retiree civil servants who receive collective agreement increases in addition to the 6-month inflation gap every January will calculate their current salaries based on the 4-month inflation gap. According to an October survey of market participants by the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey (CBRT), the inflation expectation for October and the estimated 4-month inflation gap have been revealed. So how much will the 4-month inflation gap be? Here is the latest status on the 2025 civil servant and retiree salary increase. The question of how much the 2025 civil servant and retiree salary will be has arisen before the 4-month inflation gap, which will be determined in October. Civil servants and retiree civil servants receive an inflation gap in addition to the collective agreement increase. With the September inflation data already showing a 3-month inflation gap exceeding 8.92% for SGK and Bağ-Kur retirees. So how much will the civil servant and retiree salary be based on the 4-month inflation gap? According to the October Market Participants Survey by the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey (CBRT), the October inflation expectation has increased from 2.24% to 2.39%. Based on this data, SSK and Bağ-Kur retirees will already be entitled to an 11.52% increase based on the estimated 4-month inflation gap. Civil servants and retiree civil servants will find out whether they are entitled to an inflation gap based on the inflation data to be announced in October. According to the estimate of the 4-month inflation gap, the inflation gap that civil servants will receive was calculated as 1.39%. Adding the 6% increase in the 7th Period Collective Agreement, the salaries of civil servants and retirees will already guarantee an increase of 7.48%. According to data shared by the Turkish Statistical Institute (TÜİK), the inflation rate in August was announced as 2.47%. With the September inflation data revealed, the decisive 3-month inflation gap for civil servants and retirees has now emerged. Thus; The monthly inflation rates were announced as 3.32% for July, 2.47% for August, and 2.97% for September. SGK and Bağ-Kur retirees have already obtained an 8.92% increase. For civil servants to receive an inflation gap, there needs to be an additional 0.99% inflation. This increase will be reflected in the January 2025 salaries and will be calculated cumulatively each month based on the announced monthly inflation rate. Civil servants and retiree civil servants receive an inflation gap in addition to the collective agreement increase. According to the collective agreement increase, civil servants and retiree civil servants will receive the first increase of 2025 in January. As of the end of September, this figure has already exceeded 8.92%. The net figure will be determined with the announcement of inflation data for October, November, and December. Civil servants and retiree civil servants will receive a collective agreement increase of 15% in January.
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