Harvard University has announced that families with an annual income below $200,000 will not be charged tuition fees. This decision was made to make the university more accessible for children of American middle-class families.
According to a statement on Harvard University’s official website, the university’s administration, ranked among the leading universities in the country, has made some decisions to make the university more accessible for children of American middle-class families. Harvard’s administration announced that they will not demand tuition fees from families with an annual income below $200,000, and they will also cover accommodation, transportation, meal expenses, and health insurance for students with an annual income below $100,000 in addition to tuition fees.
The school’s administration stated that this decision will be effective starting from the 2025-2026 academic year. Harvard University President Alan Garber expressed that positioning the school where more people can afford it financially will expand the perspective of all students and support their intellectual development. The administration mentioned that this decision will allow approximately 86% of American families to benefit from Harvard’s support.
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