In Europe, where a groundbreaking year has been experienced in environmentally friendly transportation solutions, it was announced that 49% of city buses sold in 2024 were zero-emission. With this transformation continuing at this pace, it is estimated that all buses on the continent will be electric within five years.
Throughout the year, 49% of city public transport buses sold consisted of zero-emission vehicles. Of these, a large portion, at a rate of 46%, were electric buses, while hydrogen fuel cell buses obtained a smaller share of 3%.
The Impact of Laws Shown Behind this transformation are policy initiatives such as the European Green Deal and city-level zero-emission zones. Limiting diesel and gasoline vehicles in cities has directed municipalities and transport operators towards eco-friendly solutions. According to experts, if this growth rate continues sustainably, it may be possible for all city buses to be zero-emission by 2027. Even more skeptical analysts emphasize that the EU could achieve its zero-emission target in public transport by 2030.
Country-Specific Differences Exist While countries like Italy and Spain are slower to adopt this change, the Netherlands, Finland, Denmark, and Norway have reached the zero-emission public transport goals more rapidly.
It is observed that the transformation progresses very slowly in countries such as Poland, Hungary, Lithuania, and Greece. Financial constraints and infrastructure inadequacies are believed to be the reasons for this. Experts predict that these members will also accelerate the transformation process in the future by benefiting from EU funds.
Cleaner and Quieter Cities The widespread use of zero-emission buses not only reduces carbon emissions but also helps create a quieter and cleaner air environment in cities. The silent operation of electric buses and the absence of fossil fuels increase both environmental and social benefits.
These developments are considered a successful outcome of Europe prioritizing sustainability in transportation policies. With the decreasing cost of zero-emission buses and improvements in charging infrastructure, this transformation is expected to accelerate even further.
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