In Aydın, demand for figs and walnuts has increased with the arrival of the Ramadan month.
The arrival of the Ramadan month has led to an increase in food product sales. Especially in Aydın, which ranks first in fig production worldwide, citizens have shown a high interest in figs rather than dates during Ramadan. Market trader Ozan Çeçen noted that fig sales, ranging from 300 to 450 TL per kilo, have increased during Ramadan, stating, “The highest quality figs in the world are produced in Aydın. There is high demand for these figs that we bring to the market after harvesting with great effort. Fig prices start at 300 liras and can go up to 450 liras. The Çarıklar fig from the Germencik district, which comes in 35 pieces per kilo, is priced at 450 lira per kilo.”
The demand for walnuts as an indispensable sweet treat on iftar tables has increased. Walnut sales have been bustling in the market. Speaking about walnut sales, Çeçen said, “Just like with figs, there is demand for walnuts during Ramadan. Sweets are consumed a lot during Ramadan. Walnuts are a must-have for sweets. That’s why our citizens buy plenty of walnuts. The walnuts we sell come from Denizli Çameli. The specialty of these walnuts is that they have a thin shell and a milky-white interior. Approximately 450 grams of edible walnuts can be extracted from one kilo of walnuts with shells. The price per kilo of walnuts is 230 lira.”
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