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Historic penalty for German pharmaceutical giant

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German pharmaceutical company Bayer has been sentenced to pay 2.1 billion dollars in the Roundup case in the United States. This penalty became one of the highest compensations ever awarded to the company. Bayer, a German pharmaceutical and chemical company, was ordered to pay 2.1 billion dollars to a plaintiff in the United States for the controversial herbicide glyphosate, which is a component of the Roundup product. Bayer continues to lose lawsuits brought by those who claim that Roundup, containing glyphosate, is a significant factor in triggering cancer formation. In a court in the state of Georgia, United States, the jury ruled on Friday that Bayer must pay 2.1 billion dollars to a plaintiff who claimed that the Roundup weed killer product caused cancer, with 65 million of it being compensatory damages. The jury also decided that Bayer did not adequately disclose the potential risks of Roundup use and was responsible for failing to warn plaintiffs about the dangers of the product. ONE OF THE HIGHEST COMPENSATIONS The amount of 2.1 billion dollars has now been recorded as one of the highest compensations awarded in cases related to the agricultural herbicide Roundup in the United States. In its statement, Bayer refuted the allegations regarding glyphosate, stating that the jury’s decision contradicts overwhelming scientific evidence and the consensus of regulatory agencies and global scientific evaluations. The company mentioned that just like in all other cases, it will appeal the latest decision in the state of Georgia. The German company also noted that compensation awarded in finalized lawsuits was generally reduced by 90% compared to the original jury decisions. Following this ruling, Bayer’s shares lost over 6% in value on the stock market today. FACING 60 THOUSAND LAWSUITS In 2018, Bayer was convicted of paying billions of dollars in fines and compensations in lawsuits filed by those claiming that Roundup, a glyphosate-based herbicide developed by the American agricultural company Monsanto, which Bayer purchased for 63 billion dollars, was a significant factor in triggering cancer. While Bayer denies the allegations surrounding glyphosate, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classified glyphosate as a carcinogen in 2015. In 2020, Bayer announced that it was moving towards settlements in lawsuits filed against it in the United States, agreeing to pay 10.9 billion dollars to the plaintiffs. Despite the agreement, the company faces over 60 thousand lawsuits related to Roundup. For these cases, the German company has allocated 5.9 billion dollars as a legal provision.

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