The Social Security Institution has intensified its efforts to combat fraudulent divorces. The orphan pensions of 2,404 individuals who were living in the same house as their ex-spouse after divorce have been cancelled. Steps are being taken to recover the paid pensions with interest. Additionally, the insurance of 94,000 people was also cancelled. The Social Security Institution (SSI), in its audits in 2024, identified 2,404 individuals who were still living with their ex-spouse in order to continue receiving orphan pensions. The SSI continues to carry out audits targeting undeclared employment, fake workplaces, fake insured individuals, and other irregularities with a team of over 3,000 auditors. Last year, the institution inspected 124,982 establishments to combat undeclared employment, and 12,684 workplaces for fake employment and fake insurance. It also continued its efforts against fraudulent divorces. FRAUDULENT PENSION RECIPIENTS CAUGHT In 2024, a total of 3,002 audits were conducted nationwide to individuals who divorced their spouses to receive orphan pensions but continued to live with their ex-spouse. In these audits, it was found that 2,404 individuals were fraudulently receiving pensions through false divorces. Legal action was taken against these individuals, and steps were taken by the SSI to recover the pensions paid with interest. INSURANCE OF 94,000 PEOPLE CANCELLED The audits conducted by the SSI in 2024 revealed that 2,114 establishments were fake, and the insurance of a total of 94,740 individuals who were not employed yet had insurance premiums paid or were falsely listed as insured through fake workplaces was cancelled. A total of 2,036,732,000 lira in fines was imposed on these establishments due to undeclared employment. As part of bringing these establishments and employees into the social security system, the insurance of 21,634 individuals and the registration of 518 workplaces were ensured.
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