Who is required to give Fitre, who is eligible to receive it, and how is it calculated? This year’s Fitre amount has been announced as 180 TL. Benefactors can directly give their Fitre to those in need during the month of Ramadan or deliver it through reliable aid organizations. By giving your Fitre, ransom, iftar meals, and food donations to the Turkish Kızılay, which creates a bond of goodness between those in need and benefactors, you can enhance the spirit of solidarity in Ramadan. Details in our news… Turkish Kızılay delivers Fitre, ransom, iftar meals, and food baskets among hundreds of families’ tables as part of Ramadan aid. Kızılay, which aims to extend its support to 7.1 million people through Ramadan aids under the slogan “Our Heart is One, Our Table is One,” transparently and accountably delivers benefactors’ trusts to real beneficiaries at the right time, place, and manner. As it provides food and cash support that bring blessings to tables, Kızılay continues its support to 7.1 million people with the iftar meals that promote solidarity. Give your Fitre, ransom, iftar meals, and food donations easily. Benefactors can make donations in the desired amount for food aid prepared according to households. Easily donating the Fitre and ransom can be done by sending a message by writing FITRE, RANSOM, IFTAR, or SUHOOR to the 1877 short message number offered for Ramadan by all operators, enabling a donation of 180 TL for each message sent. Those who want to support soup kitchens and iftar meals can contribute amounts in multiples of 180 TL meal prices. Donations can be made to Kızılay via the website kizilay.org.tr, all banks, mobile banking, branches and representatives, or by calling the 168 call center to deliver the aid. Additionally, through the Kızılay Easy Donation application, you can both support with your donation and track it.
Details of giving Fitre here. Fitre stands out as one of the most important aids that can be delivered to those in need throughout the month of Ramadan.
Who is Fitre given to?
Fitre is a financial worship that every Muslim with a stable financial situation is required to give to those in need before the Eid al-Fitr. Fitre can be given to those in need, debtors, and travelers.
Who is not eligible to receive Fitre?
Fitre is not given to mothers, fathers, grandparents, children, and grandchildren. This worship is considered an important responsibility that must be fulfilled before the holiday.
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