Changes have been made in some sections of the Renewable Energy Resource Areas regulation. The “Regulation Amending the YEKA Regulation” by the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources has been published in the Official Gazette and has come into effect. In this regard, the expression “large scale” in the regulation published in 2016 has been removed, and the term “applications” has been changed to “processes.” Additionally, when YEKAs are developed by the General Directorate, preliminary assessments will be made on public and treasury immovables as well as privately-owned immovables using current maps, energy potential atlases, measurement data, existing and planned network infrastructure, and scientific studies. In this context, areas deemed suitable will be declared as Candidate YEKAs for detailed studies. Inquiries will be made at the institutions and organizations specified by the ministry for the declared Candidate YEKAs or the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) process will be initiated for Candidate YEKAs deemed suitable from the declared areas. Therefore, the power capacity that can be established taking into account the available areas within the Candidate YEKA will be determined. If a Candidate YEKA is found to be unsuitable or not declared as a YEKA within 2 years, the Candidate YEKA status will be canceled. In the event of YEKA development after the YEKA Competition, legal entities that win the competition must submit their YEKA proposals to the General Directorate, which will be approved by the General Directorate and published in the Official Gazette as a YEKA within 15 working days from the notification to the Energy Market Regulatory Authority (EPDK). The fact that no pre-license application is made within the pre-license application date or period will be reported to the General Directorate by the EPDK. If no pre-license application is made within the specified period, the YEKA Contract will be terminated by the ministry, and the security will be forfeited. Additionally, all rights granted under the YEKA Contract, including the connection capacity granted within the scope of the specification, will expire. The amounts received from the legal entity to whom the YEKA Contract was signed within the scope of the specification will not be refunded. If it is determined that the domestically manufactured components promised in the YEKA are not used during the acceptance stage of the facility, the unit in question will not be accepted, and the licensee legal entity will be formally warned to use locally made components in accordance with the specification. If this issue is not rectified within the time frame specified in the warning and the commitment is not fulfilled, the YEKA Contract will be terminated, the security will be forfeited, liquidation procedures will be initiated according to general provisions, and a notice will be submitted to the EPDK for the cancellation of the production license.
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