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  • Agricultural Credit Cooperatives’ Stores Discounted Products from March 17-28: Coming Cookware Set, Kettle, Multi-functional Cooker

Agricultural Credit Cooperatives’ Stores Discounted Products from March 17-28: Coming Cookware Set, Kettle, Multi-functional Cooker

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The list and prices of discounted products at Agricultural Credit Cooperatives from March 17-28 have been announced. Various products, from electronic kitchen appliances to cookware, will be available in the Agriculture Credit catalog, such as the 12-piece coffee set and the 5-piece Chef set. The Coffee Set will be sold for 399.90 TL, the Deep Baking Casserole for 669.00 TL, and the Stuffed Eggplant Casserole for 339.90 TL. Highly anticipated items at Agricultural Credit markets include the 1.8 Liter Capacity Kettle for 329.90 TL, the Multi-functional Cooker for 1,799 TL, and the 2-piece Eco Pan Set for 279.00 TL. So, what is available at Agriculture Credit markets? Here are the discounts from March 17-28 at Agriculture Credit markets: This week at Agriculture Credit Markets, customers can find great deals on essential food products. The 5 kg flour for 84.50 TL, Semi-fat Milk for 27.50 TL, 2,500 grams of Fatty Yogurt for 79.90 TL, 1 kg of Anatolian Red Lentils for 39.90 TL, and 1 kg of Chickpeas for 48.50 TL will all be available. For breakfast items, the 850 grams of Strained Cheese for 125.00 TL, Fermented Beef Kangal Sausage for 75.00 TL, 1000 grams of Toast Cheese for 199.00 TL, 1000 grams of Butter for 329 TL, 600 grams of White Cheese for 140.90 TL, 10 Organic Eggs for 79.00 TL, 3000 grams of Tea for 515.00 TL, and 5 kg of flour for 84.50 TL will be on the shelves. Legume products such as chickpeas, bulgur, rice, red lentils, pinto beans, and green lentils are also displayed on shelves at discounted prices. Here is the list and prices of discounted products at Agricultural Credit Cooperatives’ Stores from March 17-28: 1.8 Liter Capacity Kettle 329.90 TL Multi-functional Cooker 1,799 TL 23 Cm Crepe Pan 149.00 TL 2-piece Eco Pan Set 279.00 TL 22 Cm Sunday Casserole 349.90 TL Reminder: The above products are available for sale until April 2, 2025. 830 grams of Tomato Paste 26.90 TL 5 kg flour 84.50 TL 2.5 kg Rice 114.90 TL 1 kg Beans 58.90 TL 1500 ml Buttermilk 39.50 TL 1000 grams of Full Fat Curd Cheese 159.00 TL 1000 grams of Brine Black Olives 175.00 TL 1000 grams of Semi-fat Toast Cheese 199.00 TL 1000 grams of Fresh Kashar Cheese 279.00 TL 10 Organic Eggs 79.00 TL 3000 grams of Tea 515.00 TL Semi-fat Milk 1 Liter 27.50 TL Erzincan Full Fat Curd Cheese 134.90 TL 1 kg Chickpeas 48.50 TL 1 kg Bulgur 22.95 TL 2.5 kg Osmancık Rice 114.90 TL 1 kg Pinto Beans 79.90 TL (Basic food products will be on shelves until March 31) 40-Pack Toilet Paper 229.90 TL 16-Pack Toilet Paper 159.90 TL Variety of Powder Detergents 7 kg 225.00 TL 3 Liter Fabric Softeners 79.90 TL

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