Global warming and climate change are posing a threat to the existence of coral reefs. Coral loss along the coasts of Australia has reached record levels. Scientists warn that this situation could bring about the end of hundreds of marine species.
The oceans are warming up, and coral loss along the coasts of Australia has reached record levels. Coral reefs, which serve as habitats for many different species, are facing the danger of extinction due to climate change and global warming. Scientists working in the field commented, “This year, the excessively warm oceans have practically cooked the coral reefs. If I say ‘We’ve never seen anything like this,’ I wouldn’t be exaggerating. The western coasts of Australia are under immense heat stress. The bleaching of the reefs is increasing.” CORALS ARE SLOWLY DYING The warming of the oceans and seas increases the acidity levels of the water. In this situation, corals begin to slowly die. When corals turn white due to dying, it is called “bleaching.” To prevent the death of corals in this condition, the water must cool down. In this case, they can slowly regain their colors. Otherwise, their death and subsequent coverage with algae are inevitable. OVERFISHING AND ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION In addition to global warming, overfishing and environmental pollution are among the factors endangering corals. It is emphasized that the disappearance of coral reefs could bring about the end of hundreds of marine species.
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