Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelensky caught the attention of social media users with the t-shirt he wore in a video message shared on Telegram. The t-shirt, which referenced a popular slogan of US presidential candidate Trump, angered the Kremlin. Russia’s Foreign Ministry quickly responded to the t-shirt with a message of its own.
During an evening video conference on Telegram, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky appeared in an unusual t-shirt. The black t-shirt featured the words “Make Russia small again” in small red and white letters. This t-shirt, which references the slogan of US Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, irritated the Kremlin. In his video message dated October 23, Zelensky wore this t-shirt while thanking the United States and all G7 countries for their support, mentioning Ukraine’s recent operation in Russian territory Kursk where Kiev forces reportedly held an area of about 500 square miles. RUSSIA’S PROMPT RESPONSE Zelensky’s message was met with a quick response from the Russian Foreign Ministry. Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova, in a post on her X account, asked: “How small? As small as the Soviet Union? As small as the Russian Empire?”
ATTRACTING ATTENTION WITH HIS CLOTHING Zelensky is known for wearing dark green t-shirts and sweaters instead of formal suits like other world leaders. His reference to the “MAGA” (Make America Great Again) movement in his clothing choices marks a new development.
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