While there is still a hustle and bustle in the fish markets, the abundance of bonito continues. With the weather cooling down, there has been a slight rise in prices. The increasing variety on the stalls did not go unnoticed. Current fish prices…Fishermen who started the season with an abundance of bonito continue to work at a busy pace. This abundance is reflected in the prices. The weight of the fish has also exceeded one kilogram. Fishermen mentioned that the cold weather has slightly raised prices. It was noted that being able to eat bonito at this price during this season is considered lucky. Bonito has grown and become heavier. Fishermen mentioned that last week, bonito weighing 300-350 grams varied between 70 and 100 lira. Currently, bonito weighing 700-800 grams is being sold for 125 lira. Bonito weighing around 1 kilogram is priced at 150 lira, while the 1.5-kilogram ones are placed on the stall for 170-200 lira. After bonito, the most preferred fish are sea bass and dorado… Their prices start from 400 lira and can go up to 1500 lira. Fishermen say that after the bonito season, anchovies will become more abundant. Due to the anchovy season not fully starting yet, prices remain high. The price per kilogram of anchovies is approximately 100-150 lira at the stalls. Mackerel and whiting are also sold for 100 lira per kilogram.
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