The famous sitcom animated series The Simpsons gained great fame for predicting significant events. The long-running show has bizarrely predicted some of the most important events in modern history, including Trump’s presidency and even the smartwatch. The series’ executive producer, Matt Selman, revealed the truth behind The Simpsons’ predictions. The Simpsons has been astonishing viewers for years by oddly predicting many future events long before they actually happen. The ability to predict seemingly unpredictable events, such as Donald Trump’s presidency and the killer hornet invasion in 2020, frequently leaves the show’s audience in awe. Matt Selman, the show’s executive producer, mentioned that the secret behind these predictions is not as magical as it seems. In a recent interview with People magazine, he said, “The dull answer that I always give, and nobody likes, is that if you study history and math, you’ll see that it’s actually impossible not to predict some things.” Selman expressed that when you say enough things, some will align with reality and it’s a mathematical element. Selman stated that by creating a series based on studying humanity’s past foolishness, you can also predict future foolishness, something they didn’t think about. However, he mentioned being uncomfortable with fans sharing fake images on the internet to make predictions. Selman explained that “predictions were only nicer when they predicted real horrible events, not when people claimed we predicted horrible events,” adding that it is “very bleak and disheartening” for people to want magic to be real and start publishing fake scenario images that the show had never included. Currently in its 36th season, The Simpsons has been on air since 1989. This animated sitcom created by Matt Groening follows the daily life of the Simpson family and their adventures in a typical American town. This year, Channel 4 canceled the re-airing of the 1996 episode “Lisa the Iconoclast,” which featured a twist resembling an assassination attempt on Trump, due to the cancellation of Trump’s campaign rally that took place the day before. The Simpsons continues to tackle past events in a humorous way, making predictions about future events, thus becoming a cultural phenomenon.
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