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China’s “Dream” Ship: To Drill Through Earth’s Crust 11 Kilometers

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China has commissioned the massive drilling ship Meng Xiang, which means Dream in Chinese, designed to drill kilometers into the ocean floor to examine the mantle beneath Earth’s crust. The vessel is ready for this crucial mission to reach the mantle layer beneath Earth’s crust.

This marks a historic step for China in reaching the mantle layer beneath Earth’s crust. The massive drilling ship named Meng Xiang (Dream) is designed to drill kilometers into the ocean floor for this critical mission.

If successful, ground-breaking information about Earth’s interior and the tectonic forces shaping the planet could be obtained. According to IFL Science, the ship has the capacity to drill up to 11 kilometers, accommodates a crew of 180, and includes 9 scientific laboratories. Additionally, it is designed to be self-sufficient for 120 days.

Meng Xiang, launched in November 2024, stands out as the most advanced drilling ship in the world because of its capability to reach depths of up to 11 kilometers beneath the ocean floor. Previously, Japan’s Chikyū ship could drill up to 7 kilometers, while the JOIDES Resolution, once owned by the U.S. but now decommissioned, could drill up to 8.4 kilometers. With a length of 179.8 meters, Meng Xiang was designed to work independently at sea with a crew of 180 and nine scientific laboratories for 120 days. This ship will host scientists conducting research in the fields of geology, geochemistry, microbiology, and ocean science.

The deepest artificial hole dug to date is located on the Kola Peninsula in Russia, reaching depths of 12,262 meters. However, scientists note that due to the oceanic crust being thinner than continental crust, it is more favorable to reach the mantle. While continental crust is approximately 37.5 kilometers thick, oceanic crust ranges only from 5 to 7 kilometers. In regions with dynamic geological movements like mid-ocean ridges, this crust becomes even thinner. Meng Xiang aims to use this advantage to reach the mantle layer directly.

If successful, Meng Xiang’s exploration could revolutionize our understanding of Earth’s structure, geology, and tectonic movements. Xu Zhenqiang, Director of Marine Geological Research at the China Geological Survey, stated, “The deep Earth core samples obtained will directly provide scientists with evidence regarding plate tectonics, the evolution of oceanic crust, ancient sea climates, and the development of life. This work will help humanity better understand, protect, and utilize the oceans.” Furthermore, this project is seen as another indicator of China’s progress towards becoming a scientific superpower. James Austin, a seismic stratigrapher from the University of Texas, expressed his satisfaction with China’s provision of such a ship in an interview with the Science journal in 2024 but also lamented the absence of such a project in the U.S.

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