The President of the Turkish Farmers’ Union, Şemsi Bayraktar, has stated that farmers’ premium support payments need to be made on time and in bulk. Şemsi Bayraktar, General President of the Turkish Farmers’ Union (TZOB), provided assessments regarding farmers’ premium support payments. He pointed out that premium support payments for the previous year have been made in some provinces, while others have not yet been realized. Bayraktar emphasized the importance of completing support payments as soon as possible. He also mentioned that the yet-to-begin fertilizer and diesel support must be paid promptly, stating, “Turkey’s strong future in agriculture depends on supporting our producers. As long as our farmers are supported, they will continue production, thus ensuring an abundant supply for our tables.” Highlighting the strategic nature of agriculture, Bayraktar underscored the vital importance of the support given to the sector. Despite climate change, natural disasters, increasing input costs, and market fluctuations, he noted that the farmers continue to produce, emphasizing the need for sustainable support mechanisms to maintain their efforts. The support provided to the agricultural sector not only enhances the well-being of the producers but also guarantees consumers access to healthy and affordable food. The current system of spreading payments throughout the year in pieces and at different times has a negative impact on the economic power of farmers. From fertilizer, diesel, and premium support, to certified seeds, seedlings, and saplings, all support items are paid at different times. Farmers face economic difficulties when support payments are not completed during the period when they need them the most due to increasing input costs. To ensure the sustainability of agricultural production and to prevent disruptions in the food supply chain, supports should be paid on time and in bulk.
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