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Turtle found in passenger’s pants at the airport

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During a security check at an airport in the US, a turtle was discovered in a passenger’s pants.

The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) stated that a detailed search was conducted when suspicions arose regarding the actions of a passenger attempting to pass through security screening.

During the search, a turtle hidden in the passenger’s pants was found. It was determined that the turtle was healthy, and legal action was taken against the passenger. Officials revealed that the animal in question was a ‘red-eared slider turtle’, known as a common pet.

Regarding the incident, TSA New Jersey Area Security Director Thomas Carter stated, “We have seen passengers trying to conceal dangerous items such as weapons or knives in their clothing or luggage before, but this is the first case of a passenger hiding a live turtle in their pants.”

TSA officials reminded passengers to comply with the rules for transporting live animals. An investigation into the incident is ongoing.

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