The Ministry of Finance has taken to the field and initiated an inspection in residences focusing on rental incomes. The Revenue Administration Presidency conducted actual inspections in 425 thousand residences, leading to 376 thousand new taxpayers filing returns.
Annual income tax returns are filed every March.
In 2024, annual income tax returns related to commercial, agricultural, and liberal professions earnings, as well as rental, wages, capital income, and other gains, must be submitted by Wednesday, April 2. Minister of Treasury and Finance Mehmet Şimşek made remarks on this issue. Emphasizing that the fight against informal economy will continue uninterrupted this year as well, Şimşek stated, “By using advanced analysis techniques to prevent informal economic activities and ensure tax justice, we will identify potential risks related to the relevant sectors and areas. By increasing actual field tax audits, we will establish the perception of tax audit in taxpayers.”
“We Are Using the ‘Explanation Invitation’ Heavily” Şimşek stated that they have begun to heavily employ the clarification invitation institution, saying, “We invite individual taxpayers who are considered to cause tax losses one by one. The declaration period for the 2024 earnings has commenced. Unveiling earned earnings accurately carries significant importance for ensuring tax justice as well. We expect maximum sensitivity from our taxpayers regarding tax compliance. I have assigned the managers of our Revenue Administration Presidency to visit all provinces. Our colleagues meet with civil society organizations, emphasizing the importance of accurate filing of returns and our determination to fight against informal economy.”
“Actual Inspection in Residences” The Revenue Administration Presidency (RAP), which received about 1.8 million returns on rental, wages, capital income, and other gains and incomes last year, expects this year’s figure to exceed 2 million with the studies conducted. The presidency analyzed approximately 1.5 million residences to identify the taxpayers who need to report rental income in 2024 and conducted actual inspections in 425 thousand residences. Within this scope, 376 thousand new taxpayers filed returns. 38 thousand forms were filled voluntarily by tenants using the Rental Notification Form from the Digital Tax Office. It was observed that there were 20 thousand taxpayers who did not submit rental returns, and legal action was taken. As a result, there was a 26% increase in the number of taxpayers who filed returns in 2024 compared to the previous year.
“Examination for Not Truthfully Declaring Rental Income” With the returns submitted by these taxpayers, a 107% increase in the tax base was declared compared to the previous year, totaling 399.2 billion liras, and a 101% increase in 126.9 billion liras of tax was calculated. The study led to about 55 thousand taxpayers submitting rental returns for previous years. With these returns, 3.1 billion liras of rental income were declared. The presidency will conduct similar studies this year as well. In this context, an examination process will be initiated for those who do not declare rental income based on the actual value. With the steps taken, 3.7 million income tax returns were filed in 2023, and 4.4 million in 2024. The presidency aims to exceed the 4.4 million return figure this year as well.
“Reminder Via SMS to Taxpayers” The Presidency sent SMS reminders to 1.5 million individuals, informing them of the need to file returns due to taxable revenues. In this context, SMS was sent to those with rental incomes exceeding the exemption limit, those earning wages exceeding 3 million liras from a single employer, those realizing taxable gains from real estate transactions within 5 years, and those earning capital incomes from dividends. The Presidency also reminded the current 2.9 million taxpayers who are liable for income tax returns via SMS.
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