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March 2025 Fuel and Fertilizer Support Payments: When Will Fuel and Fertilizer Support Payments be Made?

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The timing of the fuel and fertilizer support payments in March and when they will be deposited into accounts is a major concern for thousands of individuals engaged in farming. The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry will be disbursing basic support, planned production support, and production development support to farmers each month. So, when will the fuel and fertilizer support payments for March 2025 be made? The countdown for the March 2025 fuel and fertilizer support payments has begun. Farmers who will receive their payments through the Farmer Registration System are eager to know when the March payments will be deposited into their accounts. The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry will cover 50% of the diesel costs and 25% of the fertilizer costs for all products with basic support. So, when will the fuel and fertilizer support payments for March be made? The fuel and fertilizer support payments were deposited into producers’ accounts by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry on February 21st. Therefore, the March fuel and fertilizer support payments are expected to be deposited by March 21st. Farmers can check the status of their fuel and fertilizer support payments via e-Government using their Turkish identification numbers and passwords. Simply logging into the “Farmer Registration System” screen will be sufficient. The 2025 support coefficient value has been set at 244 lira per hectare. Farmers producing barley, wheat in the second category will receive 317.2 lira per hectare, while those producing sunflower, hazelnuts, soybeans, dry beans, and tea in the third category will receive 366 lira per hectare. Farmers producing cotton and rice in the fourth category will receive 549 lira per hectare in basic support. Barley, asparagus, sunflowers (for oil), wheat, rapeseed (canola), dry beans, lentils, maize (kernel), chickpeas, cotton (lumpy), potatoes, onions (dry), soybeans, and forage crops have been included in the list of products under planned production. Additional support payments will be made to farmers producing these products on top of the basic support. These producers will have 100% of their diesel costs and 50% of their fertilizer costs covered. In provinces designated as dairy basins (Amasya, Bingöl, Bitlis, Çorum, Elazığ, Erzincan, Erzurum, Muş, Tokat, and Tunceli), additional planned production support will be provided up to 50% of the support coefficient for farmers producing forage crops. Farmers who engage in planned production suitable for locations with groundwater constraints will have 100% of their diesel and fertilizer costs covered. Support will continue to be provided for the use of certified seeds, certified/standard seedlings, organic farming, good agricultural practices, and solid organic-organomineral fertilizer. Under the scope of biological and biotechnical pest control support, the support amount for under-cover packages in 2025 has been increased by 50% from 2,550 lira per hectare to 3,825 lira, while the support amount for open-field packages has been raised from 870 lira to 1,305 lira per hectare. Rental support for products stored in licensed warehouses will be paid at 75% of the rental fee tariff determined by the Ministry of Commerce. The participation premium support for the Farm Accounting Data Network (FADN) has been increased by 50% to 1,500 lira for businesses included in this system. Agricultural extension and advisory support have been increased by 104% to 294,000 lira.

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